Michelle Obama, former two-time First Lady of the United States, has ROCKSTAR level popularity around the world. With the Democratic Party consistently embarrassed by the infirm old-man Biden, America is ready for energetic leadership from a woman who already has nearly a decade of Whitehouse experience. Consequently, Michelle Obama is the #1 favorite pick to replace Biden in 2024 and become the 47th President of the United States!

Michelle For President!
It is no understatement to say that Michelle Obama is a global celebrity – and Americans LOVE celebrities! While not officially running for president (yet), the American public is practically begging Michelle to throw her hat into the ring. Gallup named her Most Admired Woman in 2020, polls around the country have consistently placed her approval rating above 90%, and in a recent Rasmussen poll Michelle Obama placed FIRST in likelihood to replace Biden if he dropped out of the presidential race!
Michelle Obama’s popularity is not without good reason. Advocating for military families, tackling obesity, promoting social justice, and publishing her impressively candid book Memoirs have shown the American people that Michelle Obama has the best interests of her country at heart. She has also continued in politics since her departure from 8-years in the White House, speaking at the Democratic National Convention twice and even leaving some of the delegates literally sobbing after her emotional speech!